Cat Ownership: Pros and Cons of A Feline Friend

pros and cons of owning a cat

Curious about what it’s like to have a cat as a pet? Cats make amazing companions. Many cat owners report that their fur babies are highly intelligent, fun, and loving creatures. As with all pets, though, there are pros and cons associated with owning a cat.

If you are looking to adopt a cat, the best thing you can do is weigh the pros and cons ahead of time to determine if it’s the right choice for you.


Cats Don’t Need To Be Walked

Cats use a litter box to go to the bathroom, so you don’t need to take them for walks multiple times a day in inclement weather. However, you can train your cat to walk on a leash if you’re interested!

Cats Are Independent

Cats tend to be much more independent than dogs. Your cat's ancestors were solitary by nature and that sense of independence is still present in domestic cats. That means your feline is perfectly fine being left alone to their own devices.

Cats Don’t Need Much Space

One big pro to owning a cat is that they don’t take up much space. Most cats are perfectly content with a space for their litterboxes, their food, and a place to play and sleep. This makes cats ideal for smaller homes or apartments.

Cats Are Master Hunters

Got a rodent problem? Nobody wants to share their home with mice or rats. Cats are extraordinary hunters and are known to hunt pests within their own homes.

Cats Have Long Lifespans

The lifespan for cats is around 12-18 years, whereas a dog's lifespan is 10-13 years. This means your cat will most likely be around for longer, and who wouldn’t want that?

Cats Are Clean

Cats groom themselves regularly, and they’re pretty efficient at it too! Grooming helps keep their coat healthy, clean, and stink-free.


Cats Can Be Destructive

Scratching is a natural and healthy behavior seen in cats. Scratching helps keep their claws healthy and also provides mental stimulation. If cats don’t have a designated scratching post, they could cause damage to your favorite armchair or table leg. Luckily, there are steps you can take to prevent this.

Cats Use A Litter Box

Cats go to the bathroom in a litterbox, which itself is not a con to owning a cat. However, cleaning a litterbox can be unpleasant. Most people report that they can still smell the litterbox even with regular scooping and cleaning. You might need to spend time and money experimenting with different types of litter that work better.

Cats Shed

Even with regular brushing, it’s natural for cats to shed their fur... which means you’ll need to invest in a good vacuum and plenty of lint rollers if you want to be fur-free.

Cats Need Vet Care

There is a myth that cats need less vet care than dogs, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Cats need just as much vet care as their canine counterparts. Regular check-ups plus unexpected vet visits are something to keep in your mind and your budget. If money isn’t an issue, this might not be a con for you, but it is still something to consider and plan for.