5 Cat Breeds That Love The Outdoors (and How To Keep Them Safe)

Everyone needs a little bit of outdoor time, right? Fresh air, warm sun, and green grass are not only soothing but healthy for the body and mind. Being outside helps us in more ways than one and it’s no different for our feline counterparts. Cats can enjoy the great outdoors right beside us with the proper supervision. And while most all cats will enjoy a nap in the sun, these 5 cat breeds thrive in the wilds of your backyard.

Best Outdoor Cat Breeds

Abyssinian Cat

Abyssinian Cat


The Abyssinian breed is known for its friendly personality and high energy. They seek a lot of mental stimulation that can be found just by walking around outside. Abyssinians are agile and excellent climbers, which can be good to avoid predators. Speaking of predators, these breeds are skilled hunters, so don’t be surprised if they bring back a present or two.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

If you live in a colder climate, the Norwegian Forest Cat might be a better option for you due to its extremely long fur. Not only that, but they are larger and stronger than your average house cat. They have been described in the past as agile, ferocious hunters and still possess those skills to this day.

European Shorthair

European Shorthair’s are the best of both worlds. They easily adapt to both indoors and out. However, they are very energetic cats which means they need plenty of space for exercise. They will definitely show off their natural hunting instincts while outside, so be prepared!

european shorthair cat

European Shorthair

York Chocolate

The York Chocolate is high on the list of best barn cat breeds due to its extreme hunting prowess. They have a low social need and are perfectly content with entertaining themselves. High activity level makes them perfect for running around a farm all day.


This cat breed will climb just about anything- roofs, fences, trees - you name it. The great outdoors provides the perfect playground for a Serengeti.

York Chocolate Cat

York Chocolate Cat

How To Keep Your Cat Safe While Outside

It’s generally not recommended to let your cats roam outdoors by themselves, but there are some ways to keep them safe while outside. These should be followed for all cat breeds, even the best outdoor-loving kitties.

Flea and Tick Preventative

Keeping up on flea and tick preventative helps to keep these pests off your cat and out of your house.

Supervised Outdoor Time

Let your kitty roam, just keep them in your sight.

Serengeti Cat

Serengeti Cat

Leash Training

Did you know cats can be trained to walk on a leash? Well now you do!


Catios (cat patios) are a surefire way to let your cat enjoy the fresh air while ensuring their safety. They can’t get out, predators can’t get in.

Identification and Collars

Cats that spend time outside should always have a reflective collar with your information on it. Your cat’s microchip should also be updated with your information in case your cat ends up lost.

Up-to-Date Vaccinations

Being outside can introduce your cat too many different diseases. Getting them vaccinated keeps them safe and saves you unexpected vet bills.

Kathleen Toomey