The Most Weird-Looking Cats are Some of the Coolest

With so many types of cat breeds, there are bound to be some that appear, well, a bit strange. But a lot of weird cats are some of the coolest and most interesting, especially when it comes to personality. Let’s have a look at some of them below.

Here are Some Wierd, but Awesome, Cats

Selkirk REX: Curly and Friendly

The Selkirk Rex is certainly a weird cat. They are famous for their curly coats. Some of these cats will have curly coats after the age of one and increase in curliness as they reach two. They are a friendly breed. You will find that they get along with people, dogs, and cats. 

weird cats: the sphynx cat

Canadian Sphynx

Canadian Sphynx: A Beautiful Accident

This breed came about when a domestic cat in Toronto gave birth to a hairless kitten in 1966. It was due to a genetic abnormality. Before then, they did not exist. How’s that for a weird cat story?

Sphynx cats may not always appear welcoming at first, but get to know them and you’ll find their temperaments are surprisingly affectionate. They were named after an Egyptian cat sculpture that they resemble.

Munchkin Cats: The Little Guys

Munchkin cats were first reported in the 1930s, although they were not recognized as a breed until 1983. This amiable breed enjoys playing with dogs and children and is distinguished by its small legs.

Elf Cat

The Elf cat is a weird cat that’s an exceptionally unusual mix of the American Curl and Sphynx breeds. Karen Nelson and Kristen Leedom, two cat aficionados and breeders, first presented it in 2004. The breed is social, mild, adaptable, and friendly, just like the breeds from which it was developed.

weird cats: the munchkin cat

Munchkin Cats

Bobtail (Japanese)

Japanese Bobtails are among the oldest cat breeds, dating back to the sixth century. They are distinguished by their lack of a tail, athletic attitude, and gentle and social temperament.


The Peterbald, another weird cat that is hairless, is an athletic cat that is also curious, active, intelligent, and gregarious. Peterbald kittens normally have some hair, but it falls out as they grow.