Benefits of Dog Pens

what are the benefits of dog pens and crates?

Dog pens have a multitude of functionalities. They provide a safe area for your dog to be while you’re at work or asleep. Dog pens are customizable and can be used both inside and outside. It’s a great option for those who travel since the pens fold flat and are easily transported.

Note for owners: Dog pens and crates should always be treated as a happy place that the dogs feel safe in. It’s important to refrain from punishing your dog by putting them in their pen because it will create an association between the pen and being in trouble.

It’s also important to only provide dog toys when you’re near, as some pieces can break off and become a choking hazard. It’s advised to never leave your dog along with most toys or treats.

Difference Between a Dog Crate and Pen

Dog crates and pens are the same in function. They both provide a way to contain your dog. Dog crates are much smaller, with limited space. They should not be used for longer than 8 hours. Dog pens are larger enclosed areas that provide enough space for your dog to move, play, eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom. Both can be used inside or outside, provided that the weather conditions are appropriate, water is accessible, and there is shade from the sun.

Types of Dog Pens

There is no “one size fits all” dog pen. Dog pens are available in different heights, materials, and roof options. Most pens are made of metal or fabric/mesh. Some fabric options include a roof you can zip on and off. If your dog is determined to get out, a heavy-duty metal material would be a better choice than a cloth/zippered pen.

Picking the correct height is crucial for your dog's safety. You’ll need a height they cannot climb or jump over. If you are trying to keep your dog separate from others, you’ll need to be sure the height is appropriate so those animals cannot get in either.

The Many Benefits of Dog Pens

Puppies & Elders

Anyone who has ever had a puppy knows they are messy and mischievous. A dog pen provides them with ample space to grow, play, sleep, and eat while ensuring they don’t have access to wires, cords, shoes, chemicals, or anything else that could cause injury or illness. It also prevents them from having accidents in places they shouldn’t and can assist in potty training.

On the opposite spectrum, old dogs also do great with dog pens. Keeping them separate from the more active animals in your house helps to keep them safe and calm. Many older dogs may suffer from arthritis, loss of sight and hearing, and incontinence. Providing them with a safe space makes cleaning easier for you, and getting around easier for them.


If you live somewhere that doesn’t have an enclosed space for your dog to be outside, a dog pen is a great choice. You can take your dog outside with you safely and in accordance with leash laws.

Food/Toy Aggression

Some dogs develop a strong sense of protection over their food and toys. This can turn into aggression towards your other animals or even family members. In addition to training, utilizing a dog pen to provide your pet with its own space to eat or play is a great way to prevent any unwanted fights or injuries.


For those who travel a lot, a dog pen allows you to include your pet safely. They fold down flat and can be easily moved between places. It’s a perfect way to safely have your dog off the leash while camping.

Separation Anxiety

Property destruction is a common occurrence in dogs with separation anxiety. If you come home from work to ripped shoes or chewed table legs, it might be time to invest in a pen. Dog pens are a great way to provide your dog with a safe place to be while you’re away. Providing them with a soft bed, water, and even food enrichment can help promote calmness.