Celebrities With Exotic Pets

exotic pets

The allure of owning an exotic pet is an oft sought after fantasy. The word "fantasy" is used deliberately because it's unrealistic for the average American to house and provide proper care. A popular choice of exotic pet is the F1 Savannah, a hybrid housecat and wild African Serval. Its most notable qualities are a high price point and steep maintenance cost. Breeding this cat runs a whopping $10,000, not to mention the cost of custom housing and ongoing food and veterinary bills. These animals are so vicious most people won't be able to approach them without being attacked. That's no exaggeration - so if one of these guys or girls hisses at you, take the warning and leave the scene.

However, there are some special people who are the exception to unreasonable ownership. That's right - we're talking about the rich and famous (fame not required). Justin Bieber owns a Capuchin monkey - a cute and agile fellow that can be found wild in Brazil and other parts of Latin America. Unfortunately for the monkey and Justin, a visit to Germany ended with authorities seizing it. Bieber had no vaccination records nor proof that he had legally purchased his cute exotic pet.

Bieber has s also garnered attention for the purchase of two Savannah cats, Sushi and Tuna, for the hefty price of $35,000.

Celebrities Who’ve Worked With Exotic Pets

But not all celebrities with exotic pets own for pleasure,.

In 1959, actress Audrey Hepburn was preparing for a movie role that called for her to interact with a deer. On the advice of the animal trainer on the set, she took the fawn home hoping to bond with it and grew quite fond of it.

Actress Tippi Hedren and her husband brought home a male lion for research on a film they were planning about big cats. This turned out to be the first of many big cats that Hedren would adopt. Today, Hedren, along with her daughter, actress Melanie Griffith, are against big cats being kept as pets, and both act as advocates for them.

Is An Exotic Pet For You?

So why do so many celebrities tend to own exotic pets? Good question, and there are probably as many answers as there are exotic pets! One likely reason is that celebs with exotic pets often have the financial means to purchase and pay for the upkeep of the animals. Other aspiring exotic pet owners might find this particular hurdle difficult to overcome.

But just in case you’re pondering whether exotic pet ownership is for you, here are a few points to keep in mind:

  • Exotic pets can be expensive to buy.

  • Many require special housing, special food, and an environment similar to their natural habitat. (Capuchin monkeys are native to the forests of central and south America and live in the trees. Could you easily replicate those living conditions?)

  • There are exotic pets that are illegal or banned outright throughout the United States.

  • Many exotic pets are wild, and as a rule of thumb, wild animals don’t make good pets.

A Frequent Fate of Exotic Pets

Exotic pets removed from their mothers and natural surroundings at a young age can develop a variety of troubling physical and psychological behaviors, even if they are owned by a celebrity.

Justin Bieber's Capuchin now resides in a German zoo, and while healthy, still struggles with residual problems from his life as an exotic pet.

The rapper, Tyga illegally purchased a 7-month-old tiger and kept it at his home. When neighbors reported to police seeing a big cat in the rapper’s yard, authorities paid a visit. The rapper surrendered the cat to a non-profit sanctuary in southern California.

It’s not uncommon for these animals, celebrity-owned or otherwise, to end up being surrendered to rescues who then assume their financial responsibility and care.