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Cat Kisses | 7 Ways Cats Show Affection

From cat kisses to quivering tails, cats do express their love for us, contrary to their reputation of being aloof and standoffish.

It’s speculated that cats were first domesticated about 12,000 years ago and valued initially for their pest control skills. But with archaeological evidence of humans buried with cats, it’s obvious that, even then, felines had already found a way into our hearts.

So, fellow kitty lovers, what signals do we watch for? Unlike dogs, cats are more subtle about showing affection. Below are 7 ways cats demonstrate their love.

Catching Cat Kisses, Head Butts, And More ...

  1. Slow Blink - Have you ever looked at your cat and, when your eyes met, she slowly blinked? Well, guess what, she just threw you a cat kiss. Cat kisses aren’t just for a cat’s favorite human. The slow blink tells other cats that this kitty means no harm. Try it out on your special feline. Gaze into her eyes, blink slowly, and watch her reaction.

  2. Purring - The vibration in a mother’s purr equips her to communicate with her blind and deaf newborns. Two-day-old kittens will begin to purr back to let mom know they’re okay. Cats may purr for other reasons, but the behavior is primarily associated with kitty contentment and pleasure.

  3. Gifts - What better expression of love and devotion than a gift? Your indoor kitty may sweetly drop that fleece mouse ‘kill’ at your feet and you’ll praise her hunting skills. But maybe not so much with outdoor kitty’s catch, a bloodied, headless bird or half-alive chipmunk. Gross, you say? Maybe. But your cat is acting instinctively, hunting and killing to provide food for you.

  4. Kneading - A necessary survival skill for kittens, this alternating flexing of a kitten’s front paws on the mother’s teats stimulates milk production so the babies can nurse. But for adult cats, ‘making bread’ expresses supreme happiness.

  5. Quivering Tail - A subtle sign of affection for sure. When your cat approaches you with his tail held straight it’s a sign of deference -- kittens approach their mothers this way. This tail posture combined with a vibrating action, similar to the motion of a rattlesnake’s tail, announces that your sweet puss is elated to see you!

  6. Head Butts and Cheek Rubs - These behaviors are kitty’s way of leaving her scent on you to mark you as hers. Offer your hand or a finger to your cat and she’ll be delighted to rub her cheek against it or bump it with her forehead. She may rub or bump against objects too. These physical interactions often produce purring as well.

  7. Grooming - Cats meticulously groom themselves and will groom other cats they’re friendly with. But beyond the functional aspect of grooming, it also serves as a social activity. If your cat has ever licked your skin or hair during one of her grooming sessions, consider yourself lucky; she’s saying she trusts you!